Monday, June 29, 2009

Love our Chester He is always happy to see his people

Good Times with the family........

Kaylee and Hannah

Hadley and Grandma

Kelsey and Morgan

Autumn, Kaylee and Kelsey

Hadley wants Chester to come out and play

Morgan and Autumn

Tyler and Mylie at Grandpa Don and Grandma Phils' house

Hadley is having to much fun

Kaylee says, "Are you kidding me"?

Okay, we are knew Kylie would do that.

Kelsey, Autumn and Mylie

Mom and Traci painting the fence.
We had a great time.

Grandpa Don and his walking stick from our favorite Missionary.
Trevor sent it all the way from Canada. Grandpa loved it.

Grandma Lott, Tyler, Grandpa Don and Bret

Anthony doing his usually hiding

Four generation with Traci and her little girls

Bret and his kids and Grandpa Don and Grandma Phil

Grandma Chester(haha) and Hadley at the Dinosour Park in Ogden Utah

Kylie, Kelsey, Morgan and Autumn

Autumn and Kylie

Some of the Grandkids at the Dinosour Park

Grandma Lott and being silly

We went to the Dinosour park in Ogden Utah

Okay who is the kid here. Got to love Bret he makes us all laugh

Checking out the Birds

Bret and Mylie and Kelsey

Having lunch